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The Section was founded in 1994 by John Fisher, Lieutenant Commander, Royal Canadian Navy (retired), B.Sc, P.Eng, CD, and was our long serving President until his sudden passing on January 27, 2014, in Ottawa. John was a great leader and a humble man of few words and his best MBCA memories of the 2012 Pebble Beach and launch of the 2014 Mercedes S class in Toronto last summer were shared with his wife Joan of 42 years. He will be missed.

The Ottawa Section was founded to provide Mercedes-Benz owners with a forum in which to:
- meet other Mercedes-Benz owners and share their common interests
- to participate in motoring, social and associated events within the Club and with other Sections of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, and to support local civic events
- to represent the interests of members with Mercedes-Benz Canada and its dealerships
- to facilitate exchange of technical information about Mercedes Benz cars

Our Section typically holds six to eight events each year during Ottawa's best driving months, including car shows and displays, driving events to area attractions and landmarks, technical sessions, and social get-togethers, and has supported a number of local civic events. Additionally, we participate in Northeast Region events as well as National events hosted by MBCA. Our event year usually concludes with the Annual General Meeting and dinner.


Our newsletter The Tri-Star , provides our members with coverage of recent events, upcoming activities, articles of interest by member contributors, and a classified ads section.